BOOK RELEASE!! We are so excited to announce that our book is available on Amazon! The Kindle version is coming soon and both will be available on Amazon Europe next month! Order Your Copy Here
(To read more about Caution Light and my other writing projects click “Book” from the drop-down list under the WRITER tab above)
Writing is very natural to me. I don’t say that I’m a great writer, or even a good writer. But all the same: writing comes very naturally.
When I was in junior high, I was short, flabby and uncoordinated…so uncoordinated that, out of fear of losing my balance, I would walk down the halls of the school without swinging my arms. They just stayed plastered to my sides…a walking Weeble.
So, of course, I was picked on in gym class first thing every day (except when getting picked for teams – then I was last) and the coaches always seemed disappointed in my progress. Not athletic material, they said.
The summer after 8th grade I grew six inches, thinned out, became far more confident. THEN my father wanted me to play basketball; THEN the coaches were all like, “come to tryouts for the squad tomorrow after school!”
As if.
I had already been adopted by my artistic family…a family of orchestral players, singers, actors, debaters, writers. They took me in, baby fat and all. Now writing is just part of who I am.
My wife loves my writing, but still claims that I’m a natural athlete.
As if.